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In viaggio - campagna veneta

In Viaggio – In the quiet of the countryside or in ancient villages

01-09-2023, Nella quiete della campagna o in antichi borghi, In Viaggio In the quiet of an old hunting lodge dating back to the 14th century, the architecture of the time fascinates and tells of times gone by. Villa Ormaneto is now a relais and restaurant, as well as a wedding venue in the countryside, and…

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ristorante bassa veronese

Il Gusto – Pievi, castles, delights, brigands: welcome to Bassa Veronese

28-07-2022, Carlo Bertone, Pievi, castelli, delizie, briganti: benvenuti nella Bassa Veronese, Il Gusto Not only Lake Garda and the Lessinia mountains: to escape from everyday life, the people of Verona have the opportunity to go south, towards the plains of the Bassa. Still relatively undiscovered by hit-and-run tourism, this area promises an extraordinary experience in…

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Elle Spose - matrimoni in stile bucolico

Elle Spose: Welcome Home

08-01-2024, Désirée Paola Capozzo, Benvenuti a casa, Elle Spose Since its construction in 1300, Villa Ormaneto has always fascinated its visitors. Today, with its original style, poised between past and present, Villa Ormaneto hosts the organisation of weddings in perfect bucolic style. Camilla De Santi, the one who welcomes the bride and groom and helps…

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Vacanza in famiglia a Verona - Family trip Veneto

IO Donna – Multigenerational travels. A great home for the (whole) family

30-01-2022, Mariangela Rossi, Viaggi multigenerazionali. Una grande casa per (tutta) la famiglia, IO Donna Villa Ormaneto is not only the perfect destination for a country chic wedding. It is also the perfect destination for a family holiday, where even children and the elderly will find an unforgettable experience. With its spacious rooms and century-old park,…

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